Tuesday 6 July 2010

New Your Anime Sucks Episode!

Alan has uploaded his latest Your Anime Sucks video. I, Mike, proclaim it to be the best Anime review series on the web.....and I will fight anyone who disagrees.....Anyways here it is, Alan's take on the mighty Golgo13: Queen Bee, enjoy!

In other news there's been a slight redesign on the site. A few housekeeping issues cleaned up but the most important addition is that fellow Bun members can now directly rate, comment and chat about specific videos! Just go to the video on the site and start your complaining...I mean conversation. Only the Your Anime Sucks section has this feature at the moment, but the rest of the site will be brought into line over the next week or two. Ciao for now.

Mike - Area Shifty Bun Admin -

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